Welcome to some really bad website


Click on the cat to make it follow your mouse!

Death Clock.org Calculator Results

This is my completely stupid site. This site will be the worst website you have ever seen

Here's a random and completely pointless link

BIG MONIES - picture of trump and kanye Cool boi piracy

What an image(s)!

wait so i can just write like this? cool

Here's a list of things (first unordered second ordered)

  1. Live
  2. Live
  3. Die
  4. Milk

this is a paragraph with a title? you have to hold your mouse over it to read it. kinda like to show what a link is going to or something

This is a big FONT

To seperate content you can us a bunch of lines

Usually, a broswer deletes any spaces between a paragraph. But now i can             space all i want.

Even like this 			 or this

I'm blue dabodee dabodi

Wow i can use many different fonts

This is a big boi heading

This is a bigger boi paragraph.

Centered Heading

Centered paragraph.

HTML Small Formatting

HTML Marked Formatting

My favorite color is red.

This is subscripted text.

This is superscripted text.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the first part of the Decleration of Independence:

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

Wall of Wisdom:

this is a test

Button Templates: